Nine Inch Nails "Copy Of A" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:elesfr

Copy Of A

I am just a copy of a copy of a copyEverything I say has come beforeAssembled into something into something into somethingI don't know for certain any moreI am just a shadow of a shadow of a shadowAlways trying to catch up with myselfI am just an echo of an echo of an echoListening to someone's cry for help

Look what you had to startWhy over-change of heartYou'll need to play your partOf copy of a copy of aLook what you've gone and doneWell, that doesn't sound like funGee, I'm not the only oneA copy of a copy of

I am evil pieces, evil pieces, evil piecesPieces I will pick up on the wayImprinted with a progressOf purpose that's become quite clear today

Look what you had to startWhy over-change of heartYou'll need to play your partOf copy of a copy of aLook what you've gone and doneWell, that doesn't sound like funGee, I'm not the only oneA copy of a copy of

I am just a finger on a trigger on a fingerDoing everything I'm told to doAlways my intention my intention my intentionJust doing everything you tell me to

Look what you had to startWhy over-change of heartYou'll need to play your partOf copy of a copy of aLook what you've gone and doneWell, that doesn't sound like funGee, I'm not the only oneA copy of a copy of

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