Melody Gardot "My Heart Won't Have It Any Other Way" Songtext

My Heart Won't Have It Any Other Way

You might be a lover always gone astrayBut my heart won't have it any other wayMaybe I deserve this longing everyday'Cause my heart won't have it any other way

If happiness is evidence that fate is everywhereThen why should I deny my chances of saying I don't careNow reason don't remind me love ain't bound to stay'Cause my heart won't have it any other wayNo my heart won't have it any other way

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes My Heart Won't Have It Any Other Way Song von Melody Gardot. Oder der Gedichttext My Heart Won't Have It Any Other Way. Melody Gardot My Heart Won't Have It Any Other Way Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel My Heart Wont Have It Any Other Way bekannt sein (Melody Gardot) Text.