Melody Gardot "Get Out of the Town" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:husr

Get Out of the Town

Get out of town,Before it's too late, my loveGet out of town,Be good to me please

Why wish me harm?Why not retire to a farm?And be contented to charm?The birds off the trees

Just disappearI care for you much too muchAnd when you are near,Close to me, darlingWe touch too muchJust disappearI care for you much too muchAnd when you are near,Close to me, darlingWe touch too much

The thrill when we meetIs so bittersweetThat, darling, it's getting me downSo, on your mark, get set,Get out of town...

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Get Out of the Town Song von Melody Gardot. Oder der Gedichttext Get Out of the Town. Melody Gardot Get Out of the Town Text.