Tori Amos "Lady In Blue" Songtext

Lady In Blue

Cigarettes recommended"Need a Light to use?"Said the Lady In Blue after the rain

What is left?What is may understandI left the right mansaid the Lady In Blue"I left the right man."

Boys play well into midnight"Can I join you?"said the Lady In Blue after the rain

"Pillow cold, but She won't stray into other lands," he said"Take my hand," to the Lady in blue"You wronged the right man."

Cigarettes recommended"Need a Light to use?"Said the Lady In Blue"I wronged the right man"

Boys play well into midnight"Can I join you?"said the Lady In Blue after the rainBoys you play well into midnight"Can I join you?"said the Lady In Bluesaid the Lady In Blue"I can play too."

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Lady In Blue Song von Tori Amos. Oder der Gedichttext Lady In Blue. Tori Amos Lady In Blue Text.