Haggard "A Midnight Gathering (Outro)" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:esroru

A Midnight Gathering (Outro)

In the woods we met you, strangerAnd though we don't know your faceTake your fiddle, come on overSit down 'round the fireplace

Watch the flames are dancing higherThey are longing for the skyHeroes now will be awakenElder stories let their spirits fly

Watch the flames are dancing higherThey are longing for the skyHeroes now will be awakenElder stories let their spirits fly

In the woods we met you, strangerNow it's time to say goodbyeLike all the stars that lead the blindWe're hiding with the morningriseHiding with the morningriseHiding with the morningrise

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes A Midnight Gathering (Outro) Song von Haggard. Oder der Gedichttext A Midnight Gathering (Outro). Haggard A Midnight Gathering (Outro) Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel A Midnight Gathering Outro bekannt sein (Haggard) Text.