Freddie Mercury "Let's Turn It On" Songtext

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Let's Turn It On

Let's turn it on, and get everybody thinking, thinking,thinking,Let's turn it on, everybody song and dancing, dancing,dancing,Let's turn it on, let's turn it on,All the people got to get the right impressionTurn it on, turn it on, turn it on,Why don't we turn it on and let's stop everybody fighting.

Let's get it on, let's get everybody jumping,Let's get it on and get everybody stamping,Let's get it on, let's get it on,All the people got to get the right impression,Let's get it on, turn it on, and let's get everybody dancing.

Let's turn it on, yeahNobody is giving it up, yeah, yeah,Everybody is living it up, yeah,Everybody is living it up, living it up, let's turn it on,Yeah, nobody is giving it up, everybody is living it up, yeah,Everybody is living it upLet's turn it on, turn it on, yeah,Dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing

Let's turn it on, and get everybody swinging,Let's turn it on, get right into that lovely feeling,Let's turn it on, yeah, come on all you people get together,Turn it on, turn it on, turn it on,And let's get everybody dancing.

Turn it on and get everybody happy,Let's turn it on, let's make everybody happy,Let's turn it on, let's turn it on,come on all you, all you happy people together,Turn it on, yeah, turn it on, turn it on,Let's make everybody crazy!

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