Ke$ha "Red Lipstick" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:elsr

Red Lipstick

[Verse 1:]Ya can't take your eyes off me, ohBetter get your hands off me, I knowYou find me irresistible but heyKeep it under controlI see you offering me again and againYour, wicked obvious the way your starrin'You, got me wondering what it is?What could it be?Makes me so captivating

My sexy hairMy vixen eyesNo, I really think it's my

[Chorus:]Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-myRed lipstick!

Say you love me in myRed lipstickYou wanna touch me in myRed lipstickCan't ignore me in myRed lipstickWorks like magic

Red lipstickCan't ignore me in myRed lipstickI'm the duchess in myRed lipstickGot cha beggin boy againWhen I wear myRed lipstick

[Verse 2:]Reds the color of passion of loveGot the color of evil and bloodPainted on me with such intentionGettin' your full attentionNow that I got you exactly where I wantI get to tease you babyNow I get to tauntIn the nature of my crimson color glovesFeeling the devils lipsI got you fuckedYou've been hypnotized anI'm really sure it's thanks to

[Chorus:]Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-myRed lipstick!

Say you love me in myRed lipstickYou wanna touch me in my Red lipstickCan't ignore me in myRed lipstickWorks like magic

Red lipstickCan't ignore me in myRed lipstickI'm the duchess in myRed lipstickGot cha beggin boy againWhen I wear myRed lipstick

[Verse 3:]Whatever Kesha wantsKesha getsI want a manKesha wants you!Red lipstickRed lipstickRed lipstickDo you want some of

[Chorus:]Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-myMa-ma-ma-ma-ma-myRed lipstick!

Say you love me in myRed lipstickYou wanna touch me in myRed lipstickCan't ignore me in myRed lipstickWorks like magic

Red lipstickSay you love me in myRed lipstickJust wanna Fuck me in my!Red lipstickYa can't ignore me in myRed lipstickWorks like magic!

Please babyStop lookin at me like thatGot a little drool right there on your sweaterDude stop!Your freaking me outI'm not really that hot, okay well maybeHahahaSeriously don't touch meDon't touch me

Red Lipstick..

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