Mumford & Sons "Hold on to What You Believe" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:huit

Hold on to What You Believe

II can't promise you that I won't let you downAnd II can't promise you that I will be the only one aroundWhen your hope falls downBut we're youngOpen flowers in the windy fields of this war-torn worldAnd loveThis city breathes the plague of loving things more than their creators

I ran awayI could not take the burden of both me and youIt was too fastCasting love on me as if it were a spell I could not breakWhen it was a promise I could not make

But what if I was wrong?What if I was wrong?Oh, what if I was wrong?

But hold on to what you believe in the lightWhen the darkness has robbed you of all your sightAnd Oh hold on to what you believe in the lightWhen the darkness has robbed you of all your sight

And now this landMeans less and less to me without you breathing through its treesAt every turnThe water runs away from me and the halo disappearsI'm not whole when you're not near

So what if I was wrong?What if I was wrong?Oh, what if I was wrong?

But hold on to what you believe in the lightWhen the darkness has robbed you of all your sightAnd Oh hold on to what you believe in the lightWhen the darkness has robbed you of all your sight

Hold on to what you believed in the light

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