Children's Songs "Have You Seen the Easter Bunny?" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:ro

Have You Seen the Easter Bunny?

Have you seen the Easter Bunny,The Easter Bunny, the Easter Bunny,Have you seen the Easter Bunny who comes on Easter Morning?

CHORUSOh, oh, oh, oh, oh,oh, the Easter Bunny,Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, the Easter Bunny.

She's nice and fluffy and cute and funny,The Easter Bunny, the Easter Bunny,She's nice and fluffy and cute and funny,She comes on Easter morning.


She brings us chocolate eggs and honey,The Easter Bunny, the Easter Bunny,She brings us chocolate eggs and honey.She comes on Easter Morning.


Hop, hop, hop, goes the Easter BunnyThe Easter Bunny, the Easter Bunny,Hop, hop, hop goes the Easter BunnyWho comes on Easter Morning.


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