Demis Roussos "Fallin'" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:elfa


Oooh oh oooh.. Oooh oh oooh..Fallin' (in) love each day

The day you came my wayI found no words to sayJust how I felt insideMy joy I couldn't hide

My eyes had never seenMy life had never beenI loved you there and thenWhy could start again

Fallin'... Fallin'...Fallin' (in) love each day

And our love is naturally growingAnd I mean to let you plowingAnd I'm feeling sunny and fallingIn love or lover again

Does music when you're nearcause every word I hearIs filled with ecstacyAnd dreams you share with me

My eyes had never seenMy life had never beenI loved you there and thenWhy could start again

Fallin'... Fallin'...Fallin' (in) love each day

The day you came my wayI found no words to sayJust how I felt insideMy joy I couldn't hide

Fallin'... Fallin'...Fallin' (in) love each day

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