National Anthems & Patriotic Songs "Namibian National Anthem (Namibia, land of the brave)" Songtext

Namibian National Anthem (Namibia, land of the brave)

Namibia, land of the braveFreedom's fight we have wonGlory to their braveryWhose blood waters our freedomWe give our love and loyaltyTogether in unityContrasting beautiful NamibiaNamibia our countryBeloved land of savannahs,Hold high the banner of libertyNamibia our Country,Namibia Motherland,We love thee.

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Namibian National Anthem (Namibia, land of the brave) Song von National Anthems & Patriotic Songs. Oder der Gedichttext Namibian National Anthem (Namibia, land of the brave). National Anthems & Patriotic Songs Namibian National Anthem (Namibia, land of the brave) Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Namibian National Anthem Namibia land of the brave bekannt sein (National Anthems Patriotic Songs) Text.