Selena Gomez "A Wish Upon A star" Songtext

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A Wish Upon A star

Sometimes i feel like i'm standing on a rockand you were on the opposite sideand sometimes i feel likei should grab you and pull you closerwhat should i do to make this dream come true

(chorus) i will wish upon a star to make this dream come true (to make this dream come true)a wish upon a star is all i need to make you minea wish upon a star is all i needoh, a wish upon a star

sometimes its hard to look away from youbut when i'm dreaming its so easycause when i'm dreaming you're always minesand this one time i dreamt that we were racingand than i saidI'll race you to the bottom of my heart


Poželi želju kad zvijezda pada

Nekad se osjećam kao da stojim na kamenui ti si bio na drugoj stranii nekad se osjećam kao dabih trebala da te privučem bližešto bih trebala da uradim da se taj san ostvari

Poželim želju kad zvijezda pada da mi se san ostvari(da mi se san ostvari)samo trebam poželjet želju kad zvijzda pada da budeš mojoh, samo trebam poželjet želju kad zvijezda pada

Ponekad je teško skrenuti pogled sa tebeali kad sanjam tako je to lakojer kad sanjam uvjek si moji ovog jedinog puta sanjala sam da smo trčalii onda si rekaotrčat ću se s tobom do samog dna moga srca

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