A-Mei "Tīng Hǎi (听海)" letra

Traducción al:elenfridkozh

Tīng Hǎi (听海)








ting hai

Write and tell me today the sea is what colorHow every night accompany your mood of the seaGray is not to say that blue is depressionWandering the wild waves of the heart to stop where

Write and tell me tonight Dream what you wantDream outside if I let you have no choiceI heart all night grabbing a closed can not eyeWhy do you obviously move the situation but did not dare close to

Listen to the sound of the sea cry lament who was hurt the heartWas not sober definitely not least I'm calmBut tears and even tears do not believe

Cry listening to the sea sound sea a bit too much loveWeeping to dawn to write a letter to me when the last conventionWhen you leave me is what kind of mood

Aquí se puede encontrar la letra de la canción Tīng Hǎi (听海) de A-Mei. O la letra del poema Tīng Hǎi (听海). A-Mei Tīng Hǎi (听海) texto. También se puede conocer por título Tīng Hǎi 听海 (A-Mei) texto.