amazarashi "Life is Beautiful ライフイズビューティフル" lyrics

Translation to:enes

Life is Beautiful ライフイズビューティフル

何がどうなって ここに立ってるんだ時々われに帰って 首をかしげるんだ歌うのが好きな少年だった だけどそれを誰にもいえない気弱な子だった久しぶりだな そっちはどうだ? 元気してんなら 別にそれでいいんだつまらねぇ愚痴は 言いっこなしだ 昔話もたまにはいいか

わいは今も歌っているんだ 暗い歌ばかり歌いやがってと人は言うがぜってぇまけねぇって 気持ちだけで 今まで ここまで やってきたんだこれだけは本気でゆずれないんだ 背負ってるものが増えすぎたようだ夢を諦めた人 捨てた人 叶えられず死んだ人 覚えているか?

あっけなく命や夢が消える星で ありふれた良くある悲しい話そんなもんに飽きもせず泣き笑い 人生は美しい一つを手に入れて一つを失くして いつも何か足りないって泣いているだけど後悔なんてしてやるものか 人生は美しい

いつもの居酒屋で はしゃぎすぎた 始発で帰る馬鹿達を 太陽が照らした「俺らの夜明けがやってきたんだ」 誰かが言った頭は痛いが 妙に笑えたそんな日々も 今はもう遠い あの頃のギターは埃をかぶってたけどな これだけは絶対言える 俺らの夜明けはもうすぐそこだ

信じた人や物が過ぎ去る街で ありふれたどこにでもある悔し涙そんなもんに未だに突き動かされる 人生は美しいファミレスで喧嘩したぶりのあいつが 電車に向かって手をふり続けていた過ぎてゆく景色 二度と振り向かないよ 人生は美しい

こんな時間か そろそろ帰るか?なんだ帰りたくないって まぁ わいも同じだが不安は多いが 進むべきだ 情熱一つで何でもできるはずさ東京 青森 路上 ライブハウス きっと場所なんてどこでも良かった歌う場所はどこでもいいぜ 歌う歌がわいの歌なら

悔し涙振りほどいて叫んだ歌 大事なものは二度と離さないよ振り向くな後ろには花も咲かねぇ 人生は美しいじゃあなまたな身体だけは気をつけろよ しっかり歩けよふらついてるぜ見ろよもう朝日が昇ってきた 人生は美しい人生は美しい

Life is Beautiful

No matter what happens, I’ll always be right here.I’ll be surprised every time you decide to come home.I’ve loved singing since I was a boy, but I didn’t have the confidence to tell anyone.It’s been a while. How are things over there? As long as you’re fine, that’s all that really matters.We said we’d never complain to each other, but maybe we can talk about the past sometime.

I’m still singing my songs even now, though some might say I’m a little too dark for their taste.But because I told myself that I’d never lose, I was able to make it all the way to where I am now.I won’t let anybody take this feeling from me. I can feel so much weight piling on my shoulders.Do you remember those who gave up, those given up, and those whose dreams fell through in the end?

On this planet of short lives and disappearing dreams, all the sad stories don’t seem so surprising.To think that people can smile through their tears in spite of it all. Life is beautiful.What we gain in one hand, we lose from the other. Nothing is ever enough. It makes us want to cry.And somehow we don’t let ourselves stay steeped in our regrets. Life is beautiful.

Down at my favorite bar, I got carried away. The sun met us idiots on the way home next morning.Someone said it looked like the sun rose for us. My headache that day made my laughter awkward.Looking back, those days seem so far away now. The guitar I had back then is all caked with dust.But if there’s one thing I can say after all this time, the dawn waiting for us is just around the corner.

In this town of betrayals and things passing us by, all the bitter crying everywhere isn’t so surprising.To think that every one of these things is still able to move us so. Life is beautiful.Shortly after a fight at a family restaurant, a man stepped onto the train and waved until he was gone.He promised never to look back at the passing scenery again. Life is beautiful.

Would you look at the time. I guess you should head on home.I don’t really want to you to go, but I'm sure you feel the same.I’m filled with anxiety, but forward’s all there is. A little enthusiasm can take you anywhere.Touring from Tokyo on up to Aomori, no matter the venue I played, it was always good to me.After all, I love any place where you get to sing. As long as I get to sing this song for you.

This is a song that draws out the tears from the crowd. I’ll never lose what matters to me ever again.Never look back. You won’t find any flowers blooming there. Life is beautiful.Well then, see you again, and remember to treat your body well. Careful when you walk, I see you staggering.Look over there. The morning sun has already risen. Life is beautiful.Life is beautiful.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Life is Beautiful ライフイズビューティフル by amazarashi. Or Life is Beautiful ライフイズビューティフル poem lyrics. amazarashi Life is Beautiful ライフイズビューティフル text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Life is Beautiful ライフイズビューティフル meaning.