Duman "Kümbela" lyrics

Translation to:en


Şehrin içindenSuyun üstündenKubbenin altındanYollara çıktık biz

Köyün yanındaKahvenin sağındaSazın solundaYollara gittik biz

BağırmayaKudurmayaHaykırmayaGeldikKal burada bizimleBu akşam

Balın yanındanBademin tadındanTazenin ardındanYollara düştük biz

Tozun içindenGöğün üstündenDumanın altındanYollara vurduk biz

Which One?

Through the city,Over the water,Under the dome,We went on many roads.

Next to the village,To the right of the coffee shop,To the left of the instruments,We went on many roads.

Shout,Rabid,Calling,Arrived,Stay with us here,This evening.

From honey,To an almond taste,Followed by freshness,We hit the road.

In the dust,The top of the sky,Under the smoke,We hit the roads.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Kümbela by Duman. Or Kümbela poem lyrics. Duman Kümbela text in English. Also can be known by title Kumbela (Duman) text. This page also contains a translation, and Kumbela meaning.