Arctic Monkeys "Dance Little Liar" lyrics

Translation to:eleshrhuittr

Dance Little Liar

I heard the truth was built to bend.A mechanism to suspend the guilt is what you will requireand still you've got to dance little liar

It's just like those fibs to pop and fizzand you'll be forced to take that awful quizand you're bound to trip and she'll detect the fiction on your lipsdig a contradiction up

The clean coming will hurtand you can never get it spotlesswhen there's dirt beneath the dirtThe liar takes a lot less time

I'm sure it's clear and plain to readIt's not an alibi you need just yetOh no, it's something for those beads of sweat,yes that will get you back to normal

And after you have dabbed the patchyou'll breathe and then proceed to scratch the varnish off that newlyadded calmness so as not to raise any alarms too soon

The liar takes a lot less time to decide on the saunterHave you got itchy bones and in all your time alonecan you hack your mind being riddled with the wrong memories?

The clean coming will hurtand you can never get it spotlessWhen there's dirt in between the dirt

Pleši mali lažljivče

Čuo sam da je istina stvorena da se iskrivi.Ono što ćeš zahtijevati je mehanizam da obustaviš krivicui još moraš plesati mali lažljivče

To je kao oni mjehurići koji puckaju i šušte*i biti ćeš prisiljen riješiti taj grozni kvizi sigurno češ se spotaknuti i ona će detektirati fikciju s tvojih usana,iskopati će proturječnost

Istina će boljetii nikad ju nemožeš dobiti besprijekornukad postoji prljavština ispod prljavštinelažljivac oduzima puno manje vremena

Siguran sam da je čisto i jasno čitatiNije alibi još ono što trebašO ne, već nešto za te kapljice znoja,da, to će te vratiti u normalu

I nakon što si obrisao sloj,disati ćeš i onda nastaviti grebati glazuru s tenovenadodane mirnoće tako da se uzbuna ne podigne prebrzo*

Lažljivac puno brže odlučuje hoće li odšetatiImaš li svrbljive kosti*, i kad si sammožeš li hakirati svoj um da se riješiš ružnih uspomena

Istina će boljetii nikad ju nemožeš dobiti besprijekornukad postoji prljavština ispod prljavštine

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Dance Little Liar by Arctic Monkeys. Or Dance Little Liar poem lyrics. Arctic Monkeys Dance Little Liar text.