Bright Eyes "Cleanse Song" Слова пісні

Cleanse Song

Hear the chimes, did you know that the wind when it blowsIt is older than Rome and all of this sorrowSee the new pyramids down in old ManhattanFrom the roof of a friend's I watched an empire endingHeard it loud and long the river's OmTime marching on to a madman's drum

Don't forget what you've learned all you give is returnedAnd if life seems absurd what you need is some laughterAnd a season to sleep and a place to get cleanMaybe Los Angeles, somewhere no one is expectingOn a de-tox walk through the Glendale Park over sidewalk chalkSomeone wrote in red, "start over"So I muffled my scream on an Oxnard beachFull of fever dreams that scare you soberInto saltless dinners

Take the fruit from the tree, break the skin with your teethIs it bitter or sweet? All depends on your timingLike a meeting of chance with the train station glanceMany lifetimes had past in a instant remindedOf a millstone house in a seaside townWhen your heart gave out in a mission bedSo your wife gave birth to a funeral dirgeYou woke up purged as a wailing infantIn Krung Thep, Thailand

Hear the chimes, did you know that the wind when it blowsIt is older than Rome and our joy and our sorrow

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