L'Aura "I Just Want to Grow Old" Слова пісні


I Just Want to Grow Old

I've been asked to washAll these wrinkles outAnd to stand up tallTo reach other heights

I just want to grow oldSee the time passing by as I crawlThrough the forests of my mindWhere you feel so blindYou can't copeI'm not afraid of the bright white lightThat will encompass you soonWill my spirit connect to the half ofwhere my body is sewn?

I just want to grow old growing wiseI just want to grow old losing time

I've been asked to shutEyes, third eye and mouthI can barely talkOr cry out at night

I just want to grow oldSee the time passing by as I crawlThrough the forests of my mindWhere you feel so blindYou can't copeI'm not afraid of the bright white lightThat will encompass you soonWill my spirit connect to the half ofwhere my body is sewn?

I just want to grow old growing wiseI just want to grow old losing time

If I'm asked to keep still, what a fright!Like a phoenix from ashes I'll rise

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