Lacuna Coil "Comalies" Слова пісні


ParlamiIl tuo silenzio guarda dentroNon resisteròE' un attimo,Nel tuo vuotoSento che io non ce la farò

Walk on byYou walk on byWalk on byWondering why

Wandering from youFalling at your sideWandering from youHealing my desireStumble in your soulGive yourself to meHurting your desireHealing mine

SlegamiDal mio rimorso,sei diversomentre muoio e poirisorgo dentro teFinché vivròricordarti cosìsarà una colpa eterna su di me

Walk on byYou walk on byWalk on byWondering why

Wandering from youFalling at your sideWandering from youHealing my desireStumble in your soulGive yourself to meHurting your desireHealing mine

Тут можна знайти слова пісні Comalies Lacuna Coil. Чи текст вірша Comalies. Lacuna Coil Comalies текст.