Amal Maher "Mafehash Badeen (ما فيهاش بعدين)" Слова пісні


Mafehash Badeen (ما فيهاش بعدين)

ما فيهاش بعدينلو فيه حاجة بين اتنينقبل ما تتقال بكلام تتقال بالعينلله في لله جلي احساسوانا شايفاه احسا س ييجي عادي في سنينللناس و معاه جالي في دقيقتين

للقلب من الفلب وصله احساسيقبل ما يتقاله و عرفت وانا واياهعمري هيتعاش مع مين

و هتعمل ايه لو فجاة اللي بالك فيهتجمعك الدنيا عليه و تتقابل بيه ما بتستناشما هي لحظة ما تتعداش ما هو علي حساللحظة دي جايز باقي حياتك تتعاش

للقلب من القلب وصله احساسقبل ما يتقاله و عرت وانا وياهعمري هيتعاش مع مين

What Is In It Later

What's in it later had he any need in betweenBefore a word was said eyes already betrayedFor God's sake I have been going around sensing itAnd I'm trying to reach him sensing that he might pay a visit in these yearsGoing round the peoples around him in very different timesHeart to heart my situation reached himBefore it was said he understand that between me and him in my life he had been living with lies

Wihat will you do if you know that your role has been uncovered to meThe world gathered you on it and you headed towards it without knowing where you are headingThese cheats of yours are not the view and you are not very much aware of itThe view is that you could live rightly for the rest of your life

Heart to heart my situation reached him before it was saidAnd he understand that between me and him in my life he had been living with lies

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