Maher Zain "Kun Rahma (كن رحمة)" Слова пісні


Kun Rahma (كن رحمة)

طفلٌ تسابقتِ الهمومُ إليهْتجري دموعُ اليُتْمِ في خدَّيهتتلعثمُ الكلماتُ في فمهِوتُرى حياةُ البؤسِ في عينيه

ألمٌ وفقرٌ حالُه ودموعْظمأٌ وجوعٌ قلبُه موجوعمن ذا يضيءُ له الحياةَ شموعمن ذا يواسيهِ ومن يؤويه؟

كن بلسما يمحو الأنينْوسعادةً للآخرينذا رحمةٍ وفضيلةٍكالماسِ كالدُّرِ الثمين

كن في حياتِك غيمةًتروي الحنايا والحنينما أجملَ الدنيا إذاعشنا بها متراحمين

وهنا احتوتْهُ قلوبُ من تهوىفعلَ الجميلِ وزادها التقوىجعَلَتْ لهُ في حُضنِها مأوىقلبا رحيما كي يحنَّ عليه

وبلحظةٍ عادَ الحنانُ إليهوتفجّر الإحساس بين يديهحتى رأينا نورَ بسمتِهِمتلألأً يبدو على شفتيه

في رحمة الإنساننستلهم الإحسانوالرحمون المحسنونيرحمهم الرحمن

Kun Rahma

Though still a child, grief fills his heartAn orphan, his tears streaming down his cheekWords from his lips refuse to partHis eyes of misery and agony speakHis lot is pain, poverty and tears,Thirst, hunger and heartbreakWho will light a candle to remove his fearsWho will comfort him and relieve his acheBe a healing balm for painBring happiness to the worldYour mercy and benevolenceAre dearer than gems and pearlsBe a rain-bearing cloudThat waters a thirsty soulHow wonderful life would beIf we were to show mercy to allThen he was embraced by hearts fond ofDoing good deeds, driven by pietyGiving him refuge in their embraceWith a merciful heart, showering him with tendernessIn a moment he felt warmth and hope returningLove flowed through him ardently,Till a smile lit his face,And sparkled like pearls on his lipsBe a healing balm for painBring happiness to the worldYour mercy and benevolenceAre dearer than gems and pearlsBe a rain-bearing cloudThat waters a thirsty soulHow wonderful life would beIf we were to show mercy to allBy having mercy on others we learn to be truly humanAnd the merciful, kind ones are granted the mercy of the Most MercifulBy having mercy on others we learn to be truly humanAnd the merciful, kind ones are granted the mercy of the Most Merciful

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