Confiscaterazor bladeconfiscateheymarilynit kinda went like thisstay with mestay with mestopstop stammeringI uhI uhIIstopI forgot where I put itI can't remember where I put itswallowswallowheyheywhatmarilynyeahIIwell Ikind ofit kinda went like thiskindastay with mestay with mestopstammeringstop stammeringI uhI uhIII forgotI forgotI uhI forgot where I put itI can't remember where I put itI put itswallowswallowmarilynmarilynIwell Istopit kinda went like thisstay with mestay with mestay with mestopstammeringstop stammeringI uhI uhIIstopstopI uhforgot where I put itI can't remember where I put itswallowmarilynwhere I put it yeahI wellwell Iit kindakinda went like thisit wentlike this itstay with mestaystay with mestopstammeringstop stammeringI uhI uhI