Mandam 3alaik
3ala galbi kan 7hobbak 7hakemya ma kan yenseb leyya ma7hakemTefra7h bdam3ee wo sa3zeeb ro7hila asaf yenfa3 wa la 2olak nadem nadeimMandam 3aleik, dam3 el-nadam ghalilkhater 3eneik dayya3t ana 7haliWo konte azenn innak habibiEl-galbe kan yenshed te3ood leyyahatta ban jamr el-hawa fiyyaWo inta tzeed nari wo lahibiLa la ma aloom, ma reedak tanima 3ad fee lozoom, nerja3 thawaniLa el-zohd yloom wala 7hormaninoor el-tani mazloom ma3 el-zabanii don't care anymore if he made me poor
Wo lamma ghab deifak 3ala 3yoonisabri dab wo e7htarat znooniYa tara te7hfaz widadi3omree ra7h sahhart ana leileewagt el-reba7h saber 3ala weileeand he told my secret the one that is patient of my nightand the separation tired my heartno it's impossible that my youth comes backmy ill heart won't accept my paini can't help that he pays for mehe's attenting to leave and to ease my mind