The Neighbourhood "Let It Go" Слова песни

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Let It Go

I'm from a little city with expensive taste,Where the cars don't run until the engine breaks.Wasn't spending pennies on massive things,But invested in mess with this recipe.Couldn't quite see what the future heldAnd as days went by it would tell itself.Let it struggle just a little bit more,Let it struggle just a little bit more.

Remember what the people said,Remember what the people said,When it's said and done,Let it go.

Remember what the people said,Remember what the people said,When it's said and done,Let it go.

Shouldn't try to fix it if it keeps getting better,Just let it go, forget it for ever and ever and everDon't ever resent a letter inside a single word written,A little change can play lanes with the right vision.Couldn't tell what would happen nextBut as weeks went by look what turned to best.Let it struggle just a little more,Let it struggle just a little bit more, mhm.

Remember what the people said,Remember what the people said,When it's said and done,Let it go.

Remember what the people said,Remember what the people said,When it's said and done,Let it go.

If what they said was all pretend then it'd be different,If it depended on if anyone was listening,And I was listening.And when they said that what I wanted was a figment,I had to turn the other cheek but I was listening,Yeah I was listening, listening to all.

Remember what the people said,Remember what the people said,When it's said and done,Let it go.

Remember what the people said,Remember what the people said,When it's said and done,Let it go.

Remember what the people said,Remember what the people said,I wasn't listening,I wasn't listening, listening at all.

Remember what the people said,Remember what the people said,Oh I wasn't listening,I wasn't listening, listening at all.

(At all at all at all )At all,At all.


Sunt dintr-un oraș mic cu gusturi scumpeUnde mașinile nu circula până nu li se strica motorulNu cheltuiam mărunți pe lucruri imenseDar am investit in dezastru cu această rețetăNu vedeam ce imi rezerva viitorulSi cum zilele treceau ea isi ziceaMai chinuie-te doar puținMai chinuie-te doar puțin

Amintește-ți ce zice lumeaAmintește-ți ce zice lumeaSi după ce e zis si făcutUită-le

Amintește-ți ce zice lumeaAmintește-ți ce zice lumeaSi după ce e zis si făcutUită-le

Nu ar trebui sa incerci sa repari ce merge spre bineDoar lasă-le sa plece,uita-le pentru totdeaunaNiciodată nu lua in nume de rău o litera într-un singur cuvânt scrisO mica schimbare poate schimba benzile cu viziunea potrivitaNu poți prezice ce urmeazăDar cum săptămânile au trecut,uite cine s-a transformat in cel mai bunMai chinuie-te doar puțin

Amintește-ți ce zice lumeaAmintește-ți ce zice lumeaSi după ce e zis si făcutUită-le

Amintește-ți ce zice lumeaAmintește-ți ce zice lumeaSi după ce e zis si făcutUită-le

Dacă ce zic ei nu ar fi pe bune ar fi diferitDaca ar fi depins de faptul ca cineva sa fi ascultatSi eu am ascultatSi dupa ce ei mi-au spus ca ce vreau eu e doar o născocireAm întors celalalt obraz,dar ascultamDa,ascultamAscultam tot

Amintește-ți ce zice lumeaAmintește-ți ce zice lumeaSi după ce e zis si făcutUită-le

Amintește-ți ce zice lumeaAmintește-ți ce zice lumeaSi după ce e zis si făcutUită-le

Amintește-ți ce zice lumeaAmintește-ți ce zice lumeaSi după ce e zis si făcutUită-le

Amintește-ți ce zice lumeaAmintește-ți ce zice lumeaOh,nu ascultamNu ascultam deloc

(Deloc deloc deloc deloc deloc)

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