Enta Mashi Bgad
Inta mashy b gad?Inta rai7 fen?Law za3alt b gadMin ysal7 min?
Wala makan da asdiWa la asdi a3ml kidaDana kan el ourb asdiMush asdi el bu3d da
Arab asal7akWa adawi gar7akDanta noor el 3enInta mashy b gad?
7abeb 3eouni sada2 3eouni kan da3f mni ashuk feek(my darling believe me ,it was a mistake from me to be mistrusted)La adra dari w fi albi nari w ghazba 3anni bagheer 3alek(I couldn’t stand ,and the fire was in my heart ,its out of my control Im gealous)
Sa3ban 3alaea tb2a f edaia w fi yom w lela alaak ba3ed(its hard for me to believe that you were on my hands ,and in one day and night I found you far)7lm el layali yde3 ya ghali w tsebne wa7di wl nar tzyd(the night dreams will be lost, you leaved me alone and the fire increased)
Wala makan da asdiWa la asdi a3ml kidaDana kan el ourb asdiMush asdi el bu3d da
Arab asal7akWa adawi gar7akDanta noor el 3enInta mashy b gad?