Monika (Greece) "Over the hill" testo

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Over the hill

Why? Tell me why?You don’t call me anymore,don’t you want me anymore?Black, it’s all blackit’s the color of my heartit’s the color of my eyes.

But I’m here, yes, I’m hereeverybody seems to mean so mucheverybody seems to think I’m fine.

Late, it’s too late…I am punishing myselfby admitting it’s too late.Laugh, you may laughyou can laugh at me for days,you may spit at me if you want.

Cause I’m here, I’m still hereeverybody seems to mean so mucheverybody seems to think I’m fine.

Look at me, there were more to seethere were more to be proud of…

Qui è possibile trovare il testo della canzone Over the hill di Monika (Greece). O il testo della poesie Over the hill. Monika (Greece) Over the hill testo.