Vaya Con Dios "Puerto Rico" testo

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Puerto Rico

Wake up Angelita, your mama just turned off the lightManolo is already waiting by the old water-pipeHer shoes in one hand she carefully walks down the stairsHolding her breath 'cause there's danger and love in the air.Aie aie aie aie aie aie Puerto RicoAie aie aie aie aie aie Puerto RicoYour papa will beat him if he ever finds outBegging the Virgin won't help when you hear Manolito shout,Manolito shoutHe's already standing under the starlit skyYou run to his arms and you laugh and you cry as he holds you tightAie aie aie aie aie aie Puerto RicoAie aie aie aie aie aie Puerto RicoHe says he'll be leaving you soon still you beg him to stayBut he wants to make it somewhere in the U.S.A.And though he'll be far he promises he'll write every dayWhen time will be right, he'll come back and he'll take you awayAie aie aie aie aie aie Puerto RicoAie aie aie aie aie aie Puerto RicoYour papa don't like him, he says he's no goodHe steals and he fights and he never behaves, like a young man shouldAngelita she knows, he's not that bad insideShe takes the medal, she wears on a chain, and presses it into his palm.Aie aie aie aie aie aie Puerto RicoAie aie aie aie aie aie Puerto Rico

Porto Riko

Probudi se , AngelitaMajka ti je upravo upalila svećuManolo te već čeka pored stare česmeSa cipelama u ruci ona pažljivo silazi niz stepenice, zadržavajući dahjer su opasnost i ljubav u vazduhuAj aj aj aj aj aj Porto Riko

Tvoj tata će ga prebiti ako ikada saznaMolitve Devici neće pomoći kada čuješ Manolove krikeOn već stoji pod zvezdanim nebomTrčiš mu u naručje, smeješ se i plačeš dok te drži čvrstoAj aj aj aj aj aj Porto Riko

Kaže da će te uskoro napustiti,ipak ga preklinješ da ostaneAli on želi da uspe negde u SADI iako će biti daleko, obećava da će pisati svaki danKada dodje pravo vreme, vratiće se i povesti te sa sobomAj aj aj aj aj aj Porto Riko

Tvoj tata ga ne voli, kaže da nije dovoljno dobarKrade, bije se i ne ponaša se onako kako mladi čovek trebaAngelita zna da on nije tako loš iznutraSkida medaljon koji nosi na lancu i pritiska ga njemu na dlanAj aj aj aj aj aj Porto Riko

Qui è possibile trovare il testo della canzone Puerto Rico di Vaya Con Dios. O il testo della poesie Puerto Rico. Vaya Con Dios Puerto Rico testo.