Eros Ramazzotti "Hasta el éxtasis" testo

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Hasta el éxtasis

Sonríes provocándome,tus ojos me encadenarán,me voy pero tú sabes bienque siempre volveré.

You're drowing in the deep for me,sé que tienes sed,I love the way, I'm drawin to you,ahora enciéndeme.Just like oceans rise to kiss the moon,it's gravity, our love is like gravity.

Tú que me das vida completamente,cálmame y de nuevo preténdeme,manos enlazadas, que nos salvaránde las arenas movedizas.

Bring me back to life when you light my fire,makes me feel so high, never coming down,It's more than just fantasy come true,I feel your love rising from deep inside of me.Up to ecstasy, hasta el éxtasis.

Your desire's pulling me,to exactly where I need to be,It's so good that I can hardly breatheI feel it take over me.

En ti me vuelvo a sumergir,you give me all you've got,tu agua, sé, me apagará,you make me feel so free,y tu sabor se volverá fuerza de gravedad.

Bring me back to life when you light my fire,makes me feel so high, never coming down,take control and show me how it feels,to go from heaven up to ecstasy.De tu corazón siento los latidos,todos mis sentidos se abrirán,un escalofrío, un suspiro ferozque intensamente y de lo hondo subirá.Hasta el éxtasis.

You'r drowing in the deep for me,don't fight it, just let it be,hasta el éxtasis.Now your desire's pulling me,our love is like gravity, it's gravity, baby.

Tú que me das vida completamente,cálmame y de nuevo preténdeme,take control and show me how it feels,to go from heaven up to ecstasy.De tu corazón siento los latidos,todos mis sentidos se abrirán,It´s more than just fantasy come true,I feel your love rising from deep inside of me.Up to ecstasy, hasta el éxtasis.Up to ecstasy.

Qui è possibile trovare il testo della canzone Hasta el éxtasis di Eros Ramazzotti. O il testo della poesie Hasta el éxtasis. Eros Ramazzotti Hasta el éxtasis testo. Può anche essere conosciuto per titolo Hasta el extasis (Eros Ramazzotti) testo.