What have we to show?Barren feelings and dust for crow.We can't ever know.When it's time to go.
That's the way to see the end.Glowing out along the river bend.It's not goodbye my only friend.Yesterday started over again.
What have we to show?Barren feelings and dust for crow.We can't ever know.When it's time to go.
That's the way to see the end.Glowing out along the river bend.It's not goodbye my only friend.Yesterday started over again.
Qu'avons-nous à montrer ?Des sentiments arides et de la poussière pour les corbeauxNous ne pouvons jamais savoirQuand il est temps de partir
C'est la façon de voir la finQui brille le long des méandres d'un ruisseauCe n'est pas un au revoir, ma seule amieHier, tout a recommencé