Richard Marx "Angel's lullaby" paroles

Traduction vers:esro

Angel's lullaby

I was never alive'Til the day I was blessed with youWhen I hold you late at nightI know what I was put here to doI turn off the world and listen to you sighAnd I will sing my angel's lullaby

Know I’m forever nearThe one you can always callRight now, all you know to fearAre the shadows on your wallI'm here close enoughTo kiss the tears you cryAnd I will sing my angel's lullaby

So tell me how to stop the years from racingIs there a secret someone knows?I'll never catch all the memories I’m chasingI'll never be ready to let go

And when the world seems coldAnd you feel that all of your strength is goneThere may be one tiny voiceYour reason to carry onAnd when I’m not close enoughTo kiss the tears you cryYou will sing your angel's lullabyLet this be our angel's lullaby

Ici on peut trouver les paroles de la chanson Angel's lullaby de Richard Marx. Ou les paroles du poème Angel's lullaby. Richard Marx Angel's lullaby texte. Peut également être connu par son titre Angels lullaby (Richard Marx) texte.