Cartoon Songs "The Adventures of the Little Mermaid" paroles

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The Adventures of the Little Mermaid

Share a little laughterDown here with meShare all the wonders ofThe magical seaShare a little momentAn ocean of dreamsWhere down below the waves there's so much to see

Up there on the shore you live, my love and inspirationA different world above the seaSomeday we'll find a way to end the separationSo together you and I can always be

Share a little laughter, just you and meAbove and below the warm and magical sea

Share a little laugher

Ici on peut trouver les paroles de la chanson The Adventures of the Little Mermaid de Cartoon Songs. Ou les paroles du poème The Adventures of the Little Mermaid. Cartoon Songs The Adventures of the Little Mermaid texte.