Mumford & Sons "The enemy" paroles

Traduction vers:esru

The enemy

Give me hope in silenceIt's easier; It's kinderTell me not of heartbreakIt plagues my soul, plagues my soulWe will meet back on this roadNothing gaining, truth be toldBut I am not the enemyit isn't me, the enemy

But I came and I was nothingAnd time will give us nothingSo why did you choose to lean onA man you knew was falling?

Give me hope in silenceIt's easier; It's kinderTell me not of heartbreakIt plagues my soul, plagues my soulAnd bury me beside youI have no hopeIn solitudeAnd the world will followTo the earth down below

But I came and I was nothingAnd time will give us nothingSo why did you choose to lean onA man you knew was falling?

Ici on peut trouver les paroles de la chanson The enemy de Mumford & Sons. Ou les paroles du poème The enemy. Mumford & Sons The enemy texte.