F.E.A.R. Transmission 2: Trust
The rebels claim their brave new world is upon us.Do not be fooled by the chicanery in which they lay their claim.It is false, and their uprising will not succeed.You will place your trust in F.E.A.R.You must!
The rebels claim their brave new world is upon us.Do not be fooled by the chicanery in which they lay their claim.It is false, and their uprising will not succeed.You will place your trust in F.E.A.R.You must!
Les rebelles prétendent que le meilleur des mondes qu'ils annoncent est arrivé,Ne vous laissez pas tromper par la fourberie qui entoure leur déclarationC'est faux, et leur soulèvement ne réussira pointVous aurez confiance en P.E.U.R.Vous devrez !