خليني عايش مبتعدLet me live away
ومن العذاب اعفينيAnd excuse me from pain
من ذكرى ايامج بعدFrom your life’s memories
ياريت لو تمحينيI hope you could erase me
مابية روح وتحتركI don’t have soul to burn it
مابيه تسهر عينيI don’t have eyes to make it wakeful
يكفيني من عندج جرحIts enough for you to hurt me
لليوم هو ياذينيTill this day it is hurting me
مو كلتي احبك للابدDidn’t you say that you would love me forever?
مو كلتي ما تنسينيDidn’t you say that you would never forget me
مو كلتي احافظ عل عهدDidn’t you say that you would preserve our promise
وعليك اغمض عينيAnd that you would close your eyes on me
اي وينه وعدج والوفا؟So ,wheres your promise and loyalty?
بهذا الجزا جازينيYou rewarded me by this penalty
شنو هو الي جنيته بعشرتجWhat I had been gained from your companionship
وليا ذنب حاجينيAnd whats my guilt ,tell me
صدكت بيج وامنتI believed on you and been assured
من كلتي اتحبينيWhen you told me that you are loving me
واشكد حلفتيلي ابد ما هوت غيرك عينيAnd how often you swore that your eyes never loved other than me
كلت اشتريج بكل ثمنI decided to buy you by any price
لو روحي هم وسنينيEven if by my soul and my years
يا حيف ضيعني الزمنOh for the loss ,the time made me lose
وانتي ضيعتينيAnd you also made me lose