Cry Cry (Chinese Version) (WOWs Ost)
海平面黑暗沉默深不见底是你坚定脉搏 uh uh通往胜利的出口天会亮在你的火热瞳孔 ah ahFight fight 狂风吹进耳里时候到了战斗吧奋力一搏仰望烟硝染红这片天空战舰划出巨浪吞蚀花火 oh oh摊开世界悲欢在你手中勇气敲打心脏最强节奏 ah ahLet’s fightShoot it,one more one more timeCatch it, one more one more timeWin it, one more one more one more海平面连天战火我的力量来自你的脉搏跟着你找到出口我看见永恒闪耀你瞳孔 ah ahFight fight 狂风吹进耳里时候到了 战斗吧 奋力一搏仰望烟硝染红这片天空战舰划出巨浪吞蚀花火 oh oh摊开世界悲欢在你手中勇气敲打心脏最强节奏 ah ahLet’s fightShow me the courageAh ah come on, Now! (Now!)Let’s fight back(Let’s fight back)看我决心勇战看我没有破绽瞄准再瞄准逼近又逼近让我为你清澈你的世界你的快乐战争就在眼前成功在指间仰望烟硝染红这片天空战舰划出巨浪吞蚀花火 oh oh摊开世界悲欢在你手中勇气敲打心脏最强节奏 ah ah危机四伏星空依然如旧勇敢怀抱无尽潮汐暗涌 oh oh别怕明天抵达不了尽头血红色的拯救写着光荣 ah ahLet’s fightShoot it, one more one more timeCatch it, one more one more timeWin it, one more one more one moreAre you ready to fight, go!