Ivy Queen "Amor Puro" letra

Amor Puro

One day I knelt to God pediendoleNever thought of you ..With tears on my cheek I asked ...Have pity on me ...

You came like a waveYour image and grabbed myThat I'd better runIf my mind does not want to go there

Before you run out yo ..I need to know whyI can not get out of my heart

They said

that love is so strong and it hurtsand shatters into pieces you dueleeethat lovesometimes it is a falseand when it catches youcommitted errors and mistakesand binds you

is pure love does not hurtDo not lie does not discussdoes not hurt ..

oh my poor heartdo not be fooled more than it hurtsawake and nooo ...do not cryalas no longer ignore meIf you kill Hasman TASdespiertaa and you ...you die ...

to love if you will hurtto lie if it is to knowto give everything .. byto pretend something that is notyou'll destroy you can not stand itthe love to you is cruel abuses ....

is pure love does not hurtdoes not argue, do not tombdoes not hurt ..

Before I run out ...I protect my heart ...What is fragileBefore you fooledAnd I do pedazoosShould I beware of failureIt is not easy .....

Yeah Love, love ifLove .. is pure it does not hurt

Yeah Love, love ifLove .. do not be fooled duelee

is pure love does not hurtDo not lie does not discussdoes not hurt ..

so that's about all diligenceGuard your heart yeahh

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