Deep Purple "Hallelujah" letra

Traducción al:elsr



I am a preacher with a message for my peopleOver the world, scratching on the groundLooking for the peace that nobody has found

I am a spokesman for a better way of livingLove is the word and it can be heardIf you are young the message can be sungLet me hear you sing


Oh, tell it to the man whose power is the sermon on the wallTell it to the man, it's you who says you can misjudge them allTell it till it can be heard above the wailing of the crowdTell it on the field of war and hope you'll soon be justified

There is a better way of life and it's not so hard to findIf you live and let the people in your world speak its mind

I am the pupil who sells his life for freedomAll over the world and it can be heardIf you are young the message can be sung




Ja sam sveštenik sa porukom za moj narodŠirom svijeta,grebem po zemljiTražim mir koji još niko nije našao

Ja sam zastupnik boljeg načina životaLjubav je riječ i nju možete čutiAko ste mladi,poruku možete otpjevatiDa vas čujem kako pjevate


Oh,reci to čovjeku čija je propovijed na ziduReci to čovjeku,ti si taj koji kaže da ih sve možeš pogrešno procijenitiGovori to dok se ne bude moglo čuti iznad naricanja gomileReci to na polju rata i nadaj se da ćeš ubrzo biti opravdan

Postoji bolji način života i nije ga tako teško naćiAko živiš i pustiš ljude u svom svijetu da kažu svoje mišljenje

Ja sam učenik koji prodaje svoj život za sloboduŠirom svijeta,i možete to čutiAko ste mladi,poruku možete otpjevati


Aquí se puede encontrar la letra de la canción Hallelujah de Deep Purple. O la letra del poema Hallelujah. Deep Purple Hallelujah texto.