Chris Makaveli "Our Salsa" lyrics

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Our Salsa

Hook (x1)Be nice, (x1) Please no spice, No need to prescribe, We are a tribe. (x1) One love (Love)

Main:Can't believe no-one combined in a ryhme, bugs with nugs, you thugsSwatting government plans like bugs,as they tried to give out deadly hugs because they misplaced our General Ordinance Device (GOD)..Our's time to do a heist, operation ChristRoll the dice with your Stronghands(SHND) to win a prizeTattpack, Im just poppin some magicality in this reality, (Apologies logic,)Fruthfull all the time, Truitfully

De-bugging K.a.a.n and Kanyne west tested The Game, Lil Wayne & the governments that were to blameHooping them around like a piece of Kobe ribeye, Mhhhhm fresh meat, take a seatWhy did The Game hussle nipsey?.. Woopsie, Hate the game, not the player, Bryant's Bull's eyeEven the energy is sick of the ghastly hunger, Splitting long bongs of bready coishire from a cornerstoreServed with side of bag of bones, THC scones and Hybrid Owns,Cheech & Chong know about the blow back flowsElastic is plastic but we call it drastically spastic, Fat check ? WhackLast pick, goads that don't stick,last tip, Flagships that float off of loath, Mossletove hoseThe game only showed em' the darker side of heavens view, debut, SignoranceAlors on dance over a croissant while we shout revolut’(Are you with me ?) Hoot!Tapas so irrelevantly late, That you'll catch me eating my salsa in Malta, D12 delved deeper on a old town road saying it's like Marshall's squished toadRita' slaps the button and it happens naturallyRally to be bop-hopping-hipper than a sinner,address the radioactivity before thinking,into reeping any illness out of somebodyTally the mental mentallityIlluminati(Today I give OR They are give) is a genie that will make you give todayThen 10 fold in illuminate ways tomorrow's ray what you gave that day

(Wow)Wha ? Can't believe no-one combined in a ryhme, bugs with nugs, you tugsVice's time to do a heist, operation cannabis valleyRoll the dice with your Stronghands to win freedom from neblion biome valleyTattpack, Im just poppin some magicality in this realityFruthfull all the time, TruitfullyHemp nets to save our ill-littered bass, critical Mass seas, cannabis Heals, Our sea's, knees, bee's also our Coral's moraleMore vets,less Tourettes, God bless all our rabbid souls, Simon says Amen to that, Rabbit hat. (Saving the rift, Hemp sun screen saves the rift

Hook:x1 Never seen a tribe clear a maze like us before huh ?X1 Steer clear of the entity be better, making us better, (us?)

Added: Nov 22, 2024 Christopher Dalli

Salsa tagħna

Ganċ (x1)Kun sabiħ, (x1) Jekk jogħġbok l-ebda ħwawar, M'hemmx bżonn li tippreskrivi, Aħna tribù.(x1) Imħabba waħda (Imħabba)

Prinċipali:Ma nistax nemmen lil ħadd magħqud f'ritmu, bugs b'nugs, intom thugsJitfakkru pjanijiet tal-gvern bħal bugs, hekk kif ippruvaw jagħtu tgħanniq fatali għax ħallew ħażin l-Apparat tal-Ordinanza Ġenerali (GOD) tagħna.. Iż-żmien tagħna biex nagħmlu heist, operazzjoni KristuIrrombla d-dadi bil-Stronghands(SHND) tiegħek biex tirbaħ premjuTattpack, jien biss nippin xi magicality f'din ir-realtà, (Skużi loġika,)Fruthfull il-ħin kollu, Verità

De-bugging K.a.a.n u Kanyne west ittestjaw The Game, Lil Wayne u l-gvernijiet li kellhom it-tortHooping minnhom madwar bħal biċċa ribeye Kobe, Mhhhhm laħam frisk, ħu siġġuGħaliex Il-Logħba ħarbat nipsey? .. Woopsie, Hate the game, not the player, Bryant's Bull's eyeAnki l-enerġija hija marida mill-ġuħ ghastly, Qsim bongs twal ta 'coishire bready minn cornerstoreServuti bil-ġenb tal-borża ta 'għadam, scones THC u Hybrid Owns, Cheech & Chong jafu dwar il-flussi blow backElastiku huwa plastik imma aħna nsejħulha drastikament spastic, Fat check ? WhackL-aħħar pick, goads li ma jeħlux, l-aħħar ponta, Flagships li jżommu f'wiċċ l-ilma mill-loath, Mossletove pajpIl-logħba wriet biss em' in-naħa l-aktar skura tas-smewwiet ħsieb, id-debutt, SignoranceAlors on dance over a croissant while we shout revolut’(Are you with me?) Hoot!Tapas daqshekk irrilevanti tard, Li taqbadni niekol is-salsa tiegħi f'Malta, D12 niżel aktar fil-fond fi triq ta' belt il-qadima tgħid li qisha rospi mgħaffġa ta' MarshallRita’ tfaċċa l-buttuna u jiġri b’mod naturaliRally biex tkun bop-hopping-hipper minn midneb, tindirizza r-radjuattività qabel taħseb, biex tneħħi xi mard minn xi ħaddTally il-mentalità mentaliIlluminati(Illum nagħti JEW Huma jagħtu) huwa ġenju li jġiegħlek tagħti llumImbagħad 10 darbiet b'modi jdawwal ir-raġġ ta 'għada dak li tajt dak il-jum

(Ara) X'? Ma nistax nemmen li ħadd magħqud f'ryhme, bugs ma nugs, intom tugsViċi żmien biex tagħmel heist, operazzjoni kannabis wiedIrrombla d-dadi ma 'Stronghands tiegħek biex tirbaħ il-libertà mill-wied tal-bijoma tan-neblionTattpack, jien biss poppin xi magicality f'din ir-realtàFruthfull il-ħin kollu, VeritàXbieki tal-qanneb biex insalvaw il-bass ħażin tagħna, l-ibħra kritiċi tal-Massa, il-fejqan tal-kannabis, il-baħar tagħna, irkopptejn, tan-naħal huwa wkoll il-moral tal-qroll tagħnaAktar veterinarji, inqas Tourettes, Alla jbierek l-erwieħ rabbid tagħna kollha, Simon jgħid Amen għal dak, Kappell tal-Fenek. (Is-salvataġġ tal-qasma, l-iskrin tax-xemx tal-qanneb isalva l-qasma

Hook:x1 Qatt ma rajt tribù ċara labirint bħalna qabel huh?X1 Ibqa' 'l bogħod mill-entità tkun aħjar, tagħmilna aħjar, (na?)

Added: Nov 22, 2024 Christopher Dalli
Here one can find the lyrics of the song Our Salsa by Chris Makaveli. Or Our Salsa poem lyrics. Chris Makaveli Our Salsa text.