Winny Puhh "Meiecundimees üks Korsakov läks eile Lätti" lyrics

Translation to:enru

Meiecundimees üks Korsakov läks eile Lätti

meiecundi mees üks korsakov läks eile lättikantis kolme tonni murdis ära jalaluu

meiecundi mees üks korsakov sai vastu tattiõnnetult tal läks ta murdis oma ninaluu

meiecundi mees üks korsakov sõi värsket kurkitorkas pöidla silma nüüd on katki pöidlaluu

meiecundi mees üks korsakov see tõstis kappipoleks pidand tõstma nüüd tal murdus reieluu

meiecundi mees üks korsakov see nägi pättitahtis menti helistada murdis lõualuu

meiecundi mees üks korsakov see vaatas tähtikahju et ta vaatas pooleks murdus kaelaluu

meiecundi mees üks korsakov läks eile poodiratastoolis tuli koju murdis jalaluu

meiecundi mees üks korsakov see tegi suitsupea käis ringi kukkus maha katki sääreluu

meiecundi mees üks korsakov see pani kipsimõtles lihtne töö ja kohe murdis randmeluu

meiecundi mees üks korsakov lõi eile pihkutugevasti lõi ja pooleks murdis vaagnaluu

meiecundi mees üks korsakov tõi koju prouapoleks pidand tooma see tal murdis sõrmeluu

meiecundi mees üks korsakov läks talvel vetteei tulnud enam välja ju on murdund mõni luu

pole see jõumehe elu üldse kerge

A Man from Our Area a Certain Korsakov Went to Latvia Yesterday

a man from our area one Korsakov went to Latvia yesterday1he was peculating 2 3 tonnes, broke his leg bone

a man from our area one Korsakov got hit into his snothe was unfortunate, broke his nasal bone

a man from our area one Korsakov was eating fresh cucumbersstuck a thumb into his eye, now his thumb bone is broken

a man from our area one Korsakov, he was lifting a closethe shouldn´t have lifted, now his thigh bone has broken

a man from our area one Korsakov, he saw a hoodlum,wanted to give a call to the cops, broke his chin bone

a man from our area one Korsakov, he was looking at the starsa shame that he looked, his neck bone broke in two

a man from our area one Korsakov went to a shop yesterdaycame home in a wheelchair, broke his leg bone

a man from our area one Korsakov, he was smokinghe got dizzy, fell down and shin bone´s broken3

a man from our area one Korsakov, he was putting a cast onhe thought, a simple job and right away broke his carpal bone

a man from our area one Korsakov jacked off yesterday4he did it(=hit) strongly, broke his pelvis in two

a man from our area one Korsakov brought a/his Mrs homehe shouldn´t have brought, it/she broke his finger bone

a man from our area one Korsakov went into water during winterhe didn´t come out any more, probably some bone is broken

a muscleman´s life isn´t easy at all

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Meiecundimees üks Korsakov läks eile Lätti by Winny Puhh. Or Meiecundimees üks Korsakov läks eile Lätti poem lyrics. Winny Puhh Meiecundimees üks Korsakov läks eile Lätti text in English. Also can be known by title Meiecundimees uks Korsakov laks eile Latti (Winny Puhh) text. This page also contains a translation, and Meiecundimees uks Korsakov laks eile Latti meaning.