Dread Mar I "Laberintos" lyrics

Translation to:en


Quiero volver a amar y no seguir asíY volver a sentir aquello que vivíSi no lo vuelvo a hacer, ya no despertaréPobre mi corazón que está, marchitándose

Y no parece tan bueno como ayerIgual yo sé que te tengo que quererTú has sido un abrigo para míAunque te tengo perdido por ahí

Las razones aquellas que cantoSon los laberintos de mi corazónY si no encuentro pronto la salidaMe quedo perdido dentro de mi amor

Quiero volver a amar y no seguir así.....


I want to love again and not continue like thisAnd to feel anew that what I livedIf I don't do it again, no longer I'll wake upPoor my heart that's withering

And it doesn't look good as it was in the pastAnyway I know that I must love to youYou've been a shelter for meAlthough I got you lost somewhere

The reasons, those, that I sing forThey're the labyrinths of my heartAnd if I don't find soon the way outI'll get stranded inside my love

I want to love again and not continue like this.....

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Laberintos by Dread Mar I. Or Laberintos poem lyrics. Dread Mar I Laberintos text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Laberintos meaning.