Ragnheiður Gröndal "Vögguljóð" lyrics

Translation to:en


Yfir landið rökkurrórennur eins og móða,sofnar fuglafjöld í mó,fölnar loftið rjóða.

Bundin er í báða skó,byrgir þokan hljóða,útsýnið um allan sjó,alla götuslóða.

Blunda, væna barn, í ró,blundaðu, elskan, góða.


Over the land a twilight-calmflows like a river,sleeps the flock of birds in peat,the blood-red sky grows paler.

Our hands are tied,the mist muffles all sound,the view over the sea,over the trails of the streets.

Snooze, friendly child, in peace,would that you would sleep, dear, peacefully.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Vögguljóð by Ragnheiður Gröndal. Or Vögguljóð poem lyrics. Ragnheiður Gröndal Vögguljóð text in English. Also can be known by title Vogguljoo (Ragnheiour Grondal) text. This page also contains a translation, and Vogguljoo meaning.