Selami Şahin "iyi ki varsin (canııııım)" lyrics

Translation to:en

iyi ki varsin (canııııım)

iyi ki varsin canııııım *iyi ki tanidim senidunyalara degismemsacinin bir telini

seninle yeniden doğmuş gibiyimiçmeden aşkınla sarhoş gibiyiminan mutluluktan uçar gibiyimiyi ki varsın canım, iyi ki tanıdım seni

iyi ki doğdun canımiyi ki bulmuşum seniseve seve veririmuğruna herşeyimi

I'm lucky to have you (honeeeeyyyy)

I'm lucky to have you (honeeeeyyyy).Luckily, you recognised me well.I can't change the world usinga wire of steel.

With you, I feel like I'm born again,I feel like I have been drunk, drunk in love.I feel sure that happiness flies away.I'm lucky to have you, honey. Lucky that you recognised me well.

I'm lucky that you were born, honey.I'm lucky to have found you.I would love to givemy all to you for your sake.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song iyi ki varsin (canııııım) by Selami Şahin. Or iyi ki varsin (canııııım) poem lyrics. Selami Şahin iyi ki varsin (canııııım) text in English. Also can be known by title iyi ki varsin caniiiiim (Selami Sahin) text. This page also contains a translation, and iyi ki varsin caniiiiim meaning.