Sergio Contreras "Me recuerda a Ella" lyrics

Translation to:enit

Me recuerda a Ella

Tus ojos son dos luces al alba,las que alumbran mi caminar,tus besos son mi venenoque cada día bebo y es que por ti muero.

Me han dicho que eras diferente,que estás medio loco, loco de atar,tus palabras no pueden ser mas sabiasllevo tu sangre, no pares de amar.

Tu vida una enciclopediasobre un mundo que no vi,una imagen flamenca, gitanaque borra el amanecer gris.

Tus manos son palomas al airecuando un toque hay que escuchar,esa guitarra cansada y heridaque en la calle de la juderíase pierden de madrugá.

Te llena de esencia en tu silla de nea,The guitar on your chest fills you with essence in your Cattail chairI wanted to caress it (the guitar),I feel my soul splitwhen dawn arrives & I'm at your edge*la guitarra en tu pechoacariciarla quisiera,siento que se parte el almacuando llega el alba y estoy a tu vera.*

¿Qué hago si to lo que vivome recuerda a ella,si to lo que hago me recuerda a ella?¿Qué hago si to lo que vivome recuerda a ella,si to lo que hago me recuerda?

¿Qué hago si to lo que vivome recuerda a ti,si to lo que hago me recuerda a ti?

Si esas calles que de tu mano yo recorríahora gritan en tu ausencia,te echo de menos princesa.

No tengo mucho mas pa entregarte,mi ilusión, mi ternura, mis momentos,no tengo mucho mas que decirte,que te espero, que te quiero.

¿Cuántas veces preparé un discurso perfecto?Tratando de mentir y evadirtrying to lie & avoid my feelings that waythat today hang the "no vacancy" signbecause I'm full of you

Las calles de Córdoba se abren pa ti,esta canción vuela directa a ti,me sale de dentro al verlo a él sufrir,amo a decirlo Felipe,a ver si empieza asi.

Tus manos son palomas al airecuando un toque hay que escuchar,esa guitarra cansada y heridaque en la calle de la juderíase pierden de madrugá.

¿Qué hago si to lo que vivome recuerda a ella,si to lo que hago me recuerda a ella?¿Qué hago si to lo que vivome recuerda a ella,si to lo que hago me recuerda?

Reminds Me of Her

Your eyes are two lights at dawn,the ones that light my path (when I walk),your kisses are my poisonthat I drink each day & it's because I'd die for you.

They've told me that you're different,that you're kind of crazy, completely crazy,your words cannot be wiserI carry your blood with me, don't stop loving.

Your life, an encyclopediaabout a world that I didn't see,an image of Flamenco, of gypsythat erases the grey sunrise.

Your hands are doves in the airwhen one has to listen for a moment,that tired & wounded guitarthat, in the street of the Jewish Quarterare lost in the dawn.

la guitarra en tu pechoacariciarla quisiera,siento que se parte el almacuando llega el alba y estoy a tu vera.*Te llena de esencia en tu silla de nea,The guitar on your chest fills you with essence in your Cattail chairI wanted to caress it (the guitar),I feel my soul splitwhen dawn arrives & I'm at your edge*

What do I do if everything I experiencereminds me of her,if everything I do reminds me of her?What do I do if everything I experiencereminds me of her,if everything I do reminds me?

What do I do if everything I experiencereminds me of you?if everything I do reminds me of you?

If those streets that, by your hand, I visitednow yell in your absence,I miss you, princess.

I don't have much more to give to you,My illusion, my tenderness, my moments,I don't have much more to say to you,other than that I wait for you, that I love you

How many times did I prepare a perfect discussion?así mis sentimientosque hoy cuelgan el cartel de aforo completoporque de ti estoy lleno.

The streets of Cordoba (in Spain) open up for you,this song flies directly to you,it comes out of me when I see him (Felipe) suffering,I love saying it, Felipe,let's see if it starts that way.

Your hands are doves in the airwhen one has to listen for a moment,that tired & wounded guitarthat, in the street of the Jewish Quarterare lost in the dawn.

What do I do if everything I experiencereminds me of her,if everything I do reminds me of her?What do I do if everything I experiencereminds me of her,if everything I do reminds me?

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Me recuerda a Ella by Sergio Contreras. Or Me recuerda a Ella poem lyrics. Sergio Contreras Me recuerda a Ella text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Me recuerda a Ella meaning.