Pau Riba "la vella del fons del pou" lyrics

Translation to:coenfrhrrusk

la vella del fons del pou

la vella del fons del poués morta de panxa enlaire

la vella del fons del poués morta mirant amunt

la vella del fons del poués morta sense esperança

la vella del fons del poués morta mirant la llum

a través de l'aiguamirant la llum a través de l'aiguaoh, mirant la llum a través de l'aiguaoh, oh, ohoh, oh, oh

però els seus ossos són ben vius sota el fangque hi ha sota l'aiguaoh, oh, oh, ohoh, oh, oh, ohentre closques de cargols,d'escarbats i de sargantanesoh, escarbats i sargantanesoh, escarbats i sargantanesoh, oh

the old woman downhole in the well

the old woman downhole in the wellis dead belly up

the old woman downhole in the wellis dead looking up

the old woman downhole in the wellis dead hopeless

the old woman downhole in the wellis dead looking at the light

through the waterlooking at the light through the wateroh, looking at the light through the wateroh, oh, ohoh, oh, oh

but her bones are fully alive under the mudunder the wateroh, oh, oh, ohoh, oh, oh, ohbetween snail shells,beetles and salamandersoh, beetles and salamandersoh, beetles and salamandersoh, oh

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song la vella del fons del pou by Pau Riba. Or la vella del fons del pou poem lyrics. Pau Riba la vella del fons del pou text in English. This page also contains a translation, and la vella del fons del pou meaning.