Dua Lipa "Hotter Than Hell" lyrics

Translation to:deelesfrhrnlrorusrtr

Hotter Than Hell

[Verse 1]He calls me the devilI make him wanna sinEvery time I knock, he can't help but let me inMust be homesick for the realI'm the realest it getsYou probably still adore meWith my hands around your neck

[Pre-Chorus]Can you feel the warmth, yeahAs my kiss goes down you like some sweet alcoholWhere I'm coming from, yeahIs a darker side of me that makes you feel so numb

[Chorus]'Cause I'm hot like hellDoes it burn when I'm not thereWhen you're by yourselfAm I the answer to your prayersI'll give you the pleasure of heavenAnd I'll give it to you..Hotter than hellHotter than hell

[Verse 2]Never thought I'd come battlingBut we all gotta get fedCan't let me know I'm wantedCan't let me in your headI'm not here to make a dealBut it's praise that I'll getYou ain't gonna walk free, boyNot finished with you yet, no

[Pre-Chorus]Can you feel the warmth, yeahAs my kiss goes down you like some sweet alcoholWhere I'm coming from, yeahIs a darker side of me that makes you feel so numb

[Chorus]'Cause I'm hot like hellDoes it burn when I'm not thereWhen you're by yourselfAm I the answer to your prayersI'll give you the pleasure of heavenAnd I'll give it to you

Hotter than hellHotter than hell

[Bridge]Where we going to, we're right thereYou make me feel right thereWhen you lay me down right thereWe just make it right there'Cause you're looking so right thereBaby you should touch me right thereIf you take me right thereWe could make it

[Chorus]'Cause I'm hot like hellDoes it burn when I'm not thereWhen you're by yourselfAm I the answer to your prayersAnd I'm giving you the pleasure of heavenAnd I'll give it to you

Hotter than hellHotter than hellHotter than hellHotter than hellAnd I'll give it to you...Hotter than hell

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Here one can find the lyrics of the song Hotter Than Hell by Dua Lipa. Or Hotter Than Hell poem lyrics. Dua Lipa Hotter Than Hell text.