Morandi "Midnight Train" lyrics

Translation to:essr

Midnight Train

Midnight Train,Take me awayMidnight Train,Just find a place for me to stayMidnight Train,I'm leaving just the way I cameTake me away from all this pain,Midnight train,Take me away.

It's over, I'm leaving, Goodbye nowYesterday I was ready to die for youBur now, I don't know...'Cause you promissed, to love me foreverAnd you told me, we'll always be dancing together,But now I dance alone, I dance aloneI dance alone.

Midnight Train,Take me away.Midnight Train,Just find a place for me to stay.Midnight Train,I'm leaving just the way I cameTake me away from all this pain,Midnight train,Take me away.

I dare you, walk into the openLeave your ego behind no,My heart is already broken, yeah...It's time now,To show the cards we hide from ourselves nowWe said "all in"But we're the deffinition of "Bluffin".

Tell me babe what would you do,If you were me, and I were you?

Midnight Train,Take me awayMidnight Train,Just find a place for me to stayMidnight Train,I'm leaving just the way I cameTake me away from all this pain,Midnight train,Take me away.

Midnight trainMidnight trainTake me away...

Ponocni vozu

Ponocni vozu,Odvedi me daleko,Ponocni vozu,Samo nadji mjesto za mene da ostanem,Ponocni vozu,Odlazim isto onako kako sam dosao,Odvedi me od ovog bola,Ponocni vozu,Odvedi me.

Gotovo je, odlazim, zbogom sada,Juce jos bio sam spreman da umrem za tebeA sada, sada ne znam...Jer ti si mi obecala, da ces me voljeti zauvijek,I jos si mi rekla, zauvijek cemo plesati zajedno,A sada, ja plesem sam, plesem sam,Ja plesem sam.

Ponocni vozu,Odvedi me daleko,Ponocni vozu,Samo nadji mjesto za mene da ostanem,Ponocni vozu,Odlazim isto onako kako sam dosao,Odvedi me od ovog bola,Ponocni vozu,Odvedi me.

Izazivam te, da hodas na otvorenom,Ostavi svoj ego iza sebe,Moje srce je vec slomljeno, da...Sada je vrijeme,Da pokazmo karte koje smo skrivali od samih sebe,Rekli smo "SVE odjednom"A ustvari mi smo samo definicija blefiranja.

Reci mi duso, sta bi uradila,Da si ti na mom mjestu a ja tvom?

Ponocni vozu,Odvedi me daleko,Ponocni vozu,Samo nadji mjesto za mene da ostanem,Ponocni vozu,Odlazim isto onako kako sam dosao,Odvedi me od ovog bola,Ponocni vozu,Odvedi me.

Nocni vozu,Nocni vozu,Odvedi me...

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Midnight Train by Morandi. Or Midnight Train poem lyrics. Morandi Midnight Train text.