Tony Parker "Premier Love" lyrics

Translation to:en

Premier Love

Premier LoveCa fait tout drôle

T’étais mon premier loveMais qu’est-ce qu’on est devenu ?

T’étais mon premier love

Je crois qu’on évolue dans la vieJe perds le fil

On s’est connuOn était gosseT’étais mon premier loveBien avant le basketMon premier titreToujours ensemble à l’époqueOn était croque l’un de l’autreOn était jeuneOn était fouA qui la faute ?On était rien sans l’autreOn était simple on était deuxOn pensait unUn seul amourUn seul avenirUn seul cheminEt je me rappelleQuand je te serrai dans mes brasTu me disais que t’aimais çaQue t’étais au nirvanaTu m’as rendu meilleurJ’avais un cœur de pierreDe cupidon t’étais la flècheMon cœur était la cibleJe n’avais pas de tunes au départPour toi j’aurais décroché la luneSans la fuséeToujours derrière moi quoi qu’il arriveT’étais mon pare balle,Mon porte bonheur, quoi qu’il arrive

Refrain :C’était toi et moi à l’infiniSi tu tombes, je tombeJ’étais Clyde t’étais BonnieI’ll never lie to UAll I do or done for UAll my loverMy heart always waiting for uToday I could do for UI could die for UBaby u’re my 1st loveMy love

Les années passentConcentré dans mon basketNotre amour se dissipeOn a grandi si viteOn se prend la têteJe perds le fils de nos viesOn s’est connu trop jeuneDe l’avis de nos amisTu m’as toujours ditQue j’étais le seul et l’uniqueTu m’aimerais jusqu’à la finQuel qu’en soit le prixT’étais mon premier amourT’étais ma meilleure amieJe ne t’oublierais jamaisMalgré le succèsLes strass et les paillettesLes fans et les groupies, tu saisMes souvenirs j’les garde dans ma mémoireNos éclats de sourires tard le soirJ’regrette rienMes sentiments sont toujours làOn reste amisY a pas de futur sans histoires

RefrainC’était toi et moi à l’infiniSi tu tombes, je tombeJ’étais Clyde t’étais BonnieI’ll never lie to UAll I do or done for UAll my loverMy heart always waiting for uToday I could do for UI could die for UBaby u’re my 1st loveMy love

J’parle au passé de notre histoire (t’étais mon premier love)T’étais mon tout (t’étais mon premier love)On s’est aimés (t’étais mon premier love)On s’est quittés (t’étais mon premier love)On reste amis (t’étais mon premier love)T’étais mon premier love (t’étais mon premier love)

J’parle au passé de notre histoire (t’étais mon premier love)T’étais mon tout (t’étais mon premier love)On s’est aimés (t’étais mon premier love)On s’est quittés (t’étais mon premier love)On reste amis (t’étais mon premier love)T’étais mon premier loveT’étais mon premier loveT’étais mon premier love

First Love

First LoveIt's all funny

You were my first loveBut what have you become?

You were my first love

I believe that you evolve in lifeI lost the thread

You know yourselfYou were a kidYou were my first loveEven before basketballMy first titleAlways together in the eraWe were toasted, one and the otherWe were youngWe were crazyWhose fault was it?We had nothing but each otherWe were simply twoWho thought as oneOnly one loveOnly one futureOnly one pathAnd I told myselfWhen I had you in my armsYou told me that you loved thatThat you were in NirvanaYou made me betterI had a heart of stoneAnd you were Cupid's arrowMy heart was the targetI didn't have a melody in the beginningFor you I would go to the moonWithout a rocketAlways behind me, when it comesYou were my bulletproof vestYou were my good luck, when it comes

Refrain:It's you and me to infinityIf you fall, I fallI was Clyde, you were BonnieI’ll never lie to UAll I do or done for UAll my loverMy heart always waiting for uToday I could do for UI could die for UBaby u’re my 1st loveMy love

The years passedConcentrating on my basketballOur loved dissipatedIt grew so quicklyIt took its headI lost the thread of our livesIt knew it was too youngFrom the advice of our friendsYou always told meThat I was the one and onlyYou loved me until the endThat can be the prizeYou were my first loveYou were my best friendI'll never forget youEven with the successThe rhinestones and sequinsThe fans and the groupies, you knowMy memories will be guarded in my memoryOur bursts of smiles late nightI regret nothingMy emotions will always be thereWe remain friendsThere is no future without history

Refrain:It's you and me to infinityIf you fall, I fallI was Clyde, you were BonnieI’ll never lie to UAll I do or done for UAll my loverMy heart always waiting for uToday I could do for UI could die for UBaby u’re my 1st loveMy love

I talked in the past about our history (you were my first love)You were my everything (you were my first love)We were loved (you were my first love)We were left (you were my first love)We remain friends (you were my first love)You were my first love (you were my first love)

We were loved (you were my first love)We were left (you were my first love)We remain friends (you were my first love)You were my first loveYou were my first loveYou were my first love

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Premier Love by Tony Parker. Or Premier Love poem lyrics. Tony Parker Premier Love text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Premier Love meaning.