Triantafillos "Opos Thes (Όπως θες)" lyrics

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Opos Thes (Όπως θες)

Χάθηκες νομίζω χάθηκεςσε μια αγάπη χθεσινή στο πουθενάχάθηκες στο λέω χάθηκεςμα μαζί μου άλλη αγάπη ξεκινά

Όπως θες θα γίνει όπως θεςτο τρένο πήρες χθεςμα δε βρήκες σταθμόΌπως θες θα γίνει όπως θεςτο όνειρο που λεςθα κάνω αληθινό

Χάθηκες το ξέρω χάθηκεςσ΄έναν όρκο που στο ψέμα τριγυρνάχάθηκες το βλέπω χάθηκεςμα σου δίνω τη ζωή που θες ξανά

Όπως θες θα γίνει όπως θεςτο τρένο πήρες χθεςμα δε βρήκες σταθμόΌπως θες θα γίνει όπως θεςτο όνειρο που λεςθα κάνω αληθινό

As you like

You were lost, I think you were lostin one love yesterday's in nowhereYou were lost I say you were lostbut with me another love begins

As you like it will be as you likeyou took the train yesterdaybut you didn't find stationAs you like it will be as you likethe dreams that you sayI will make it true

You were lost I know you were lostin one oath that in the lie hangs aroundYou were lost, I see you were lostbut I give you the life that you want again

As you like it will be as you likeyou took the train yesterdaybut you didn't find stationAs you like it will be as you likethe dreams that you sayI will make it true

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Opos Thes (Όπως θες) by Triantafillos. Or Opos Thes (Όπως θες) poem lyrics. Triantafillos Opos Thes (Όπως θες) text in English. Also can be known by title Opos Thes Όpos thes (Triantafillos) text. This page also contains a translation, and Opos Thes Όpos thes meaning.