Pepe "Numai iubirea" lyrics

Translation to:en

Numai iubirea

Mi-ai luat tot ce aveam pe lume...Puterea de a mai iubi...Mi-ai luat cu tine fericireaDorinta de a mai traiFructul iubirii noastre creste...Mie greu fara iubirea taDar amintirile cu tine...Nimeni nu mi le poate lua...

Prefren:Esti ingerul iubirii meleTe simt acolo undevaNumai iubirea ta imensaDoar ea ma poate ajuta...Tentatii duri si mincinoase..Ma indeamna iadul sa-l alegIar bunatatea imi face semneDe langa ea sa nu mai plec

Refren:Numai iubire, doar iubireaIti da speranta sa traiestiNumai iubind si din iubirePoti altora sa daruiesti..Numai iubirea este viataTe cheama intr-un surd ecouAjuta-ma.... te rog!!!!Sa-ma dai puterea de a mai iubii dïn nou...

Only love

You took me all I had in this worldThe power to loveYou took with you my happinessThe wish to liveThe fruit of our love growsIt's hard for me without your loveBut the memories with youNobody can't take them from me

You are the angel of my loveI feel you somewhereOnly your huge loveOnly (your love) can help meHarsh and lying tendenciesUrge me to choose hellAnd the kindness signals meNot to leave her

Only love, only loveGives you hope to liveOnly by love and with loveYou can give othersOnly love is lifeShe calls you in a deaf echoHelp me, pleaseGive me the power to love again

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Numai iubirea by Pepe. Or Numai iubirea poem lyrics. Pepe Numai iubirea text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Numai iubirea meaning.