Pie Jesu
Pie Jesu, Pie JesuPie, Jesu, Pie JesuQio tollis peccata mundiDona eis requiemDona eis requiem
Agnus Dei, agnus DeiAngus Dei, angus DeiQui tollis peccata mundiDona Eis requiemDona eis requiem
Sempiternam, sempiternam, requiem
Pie Jesu, Pie JesuPie, Jesu, Pie JesuQio tollis peccata mundiDona eis requiemDona eis requiem
Agnus Dei, agnus DeiAngus Dei, angus DeiQui tollis peccata mundiDona Eis requiemDona eis requiem
Sempiternam, sempiternam, requiem
Oh sweet Jesus, Oh sweet Jesus,Oh sweet Jesus, Oh sweet Jesus,Who takes away the sins of the world,Grant them restGrant them rest
Lamb of God, lamb of God,Lamb of God, lamb of God,Who takes away the sins of the world,Grant them rest,Grant them rest
Eternal, eternal, rest.